Earn up to $3,000 for referring customers to ResQ
How it works
Decide who to refer
Take the pre-made referral email template below and draft an email to your referral.
Send an email
Send an email to your referral and cc intros@resq.com on the email introducing us to them.
You’re all set
We’ll notify you when the restaurant signs as a ResQ customer. Your reward will come in via e-gift card.
Referral Rewards
Hi [insert referral’s name here],
Hope you’re doing well!
I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned it to you before, but I’ve been using ResQ for repair and maintenance at my restaurant [insert restaurant name here]. Having one platform to manage all our repairs has made my life a lot easier. And I think it would be a great fit for you too!
I wanted to introduce you to the ResQ team (cc’d), because I thought you might be more interested in exploring the ResQ platform. I’ll leave it with the two of you to connect and decide whether it makes sense to see a demo.
Warm regards,
[Insert your name here]
They’ll be in great company!

Facilities Manager
Facilities Development Manager

Facilities & Development Director