Restaurant Guides

3 Ways Restaurants In Chicago, Houston, New York City & More Are Using ResQ To Save Thousands Of Dollars Per Month

We unpack ways restaurants are saving money with ResQ.
Lianne Fonseca
Product Marketing Manager
Last updated:
January 27, 2022
Restaurant Guides

3 Ways Restaurants In Chicago, Houston, New York City & More Are Using ResQ To Save Thousands Of Dollars Per Month

We unpack ways restaurants are saving money with ResQ.

Running a restaurant is hard work - and most managers, operators, and leaders are constantly worried about the bottom line. There are a ton of costs associated with a restaurant, whether a full-serve steakhouse, or a quick-serve pizza place, and understanding how to save money (and avoid losing it!) can be tricky.

One huge cost area that most restaurateurs overlook is repair & maintenance. Kitchen equipment and the physical restaurant space are the backbones of the entire restaurant, and upkeep is necessary to keep customer experience at an all time high. Thankfully, there is smart technology that will take this off your plate.

Enter, ResQ. THE repair & maintenance management platform that was designed just for restaurants. We’re unlike anything else on the market, because we aren’t a CMMS system. Our platform empowers restaurant leaders & their teams to offload the repair and maintenance headaches, and focus on what matters most: growing their businesses, and wow’ing their customers.

By saving employees’ time, and offering clearer visualization into how repairs & preventive maintenance is handled, restaurants using ResQ have seen up to a 30% decrease in annual operation costs.

While there are a ton of features that are built to transform a restaurant operators’ life and business, a key benefit is the cost savings that occur (majorly lowering your opportunity costs!).

Keep reading to learn about 3 ways ResQ has been lowering restaurants’ operating costs for years:

How Restaurants Can Cut Costs & Save Money By Using ResQ

1) Setting up preventive maintenance for restaurants results in avoiding unexpected breakdowns.

Preventive maintenance is the process of setting up ongoing & consistent upkeep on your kitchen equipment and facility. Reactive repairs can never be 100% avoided, but you can do your best to avoid untimely and expensive breakdowns that result in a ton of lost revenue.

For example, if you’re a fast food joint that relies on deliciously golden-brown french fries to keep your customers happy, then a fryer malfunction on a busy afternoon is your worst nightmare. This could cost you up to $5,000 in lost sales (depending on the size of your establishment) and also create a horrible experience for those who stopped by.

Never let this issue happen - use ResQ to set up ongoing preventive maintenance for your equipment, and never have to think about it again. Our dedicated success team works with national service providers to ensure we get you the best rates on the market, so you’ll also see huge savings annually (as well as saving money on reactive repairs!).

Examples of preventive maintenance services that top growing restaurants brands are using ResQ for are:

  • Grease trap cleaning
  • Patio & landscaping upkeep
  • Sanitization
  • Filter replacement
  • Roofing needs
  • HVAC cleaning
  • Ice Machine

2) Save time & money on training restaurant employees, and make it easier

Hiring issues are at an all time high right now across North America. Not only is it hard to find and retain talented people, but it’s also very time consuming & expensive. And worse, if your repair & maintenance management processes are ‘messy’ or ‘complicated’, it will make training much more difficult for both parties.

In order to ease the onboarding process for new employees who are responsible for maintenance tasks (of any size or cost), restaurant operators have chosen ResQ to make things as simple as possible for all employees, both new and tenured.

With ResQ, you’re able to set certain ‘permissions’ for your team members who use the app, so you can monitor & control who is able to make certain decisions or approvals. Submitting work orders takes less than 45 seconds, and all your employees have to do is scan a barcode. All data, analytics, and payment information is tracked through the app, so you still get full visibility across all locations or teams.

On average, it costs about $900 to train and onboard a new employee. This number could shrink if you’re able to make the training easier and more efficient. Cut training time in half, and avoid errors long term, by implementing smart technology that everyone can use (ResQ!).

3) Avoid food waste & ensure food quality

Refrigeration issues are one of the most common problems that restaurant operators face monthly. Whether your walk-in fridge is not cooling properly, or unexpectedly shuts off, that will result in hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars in lost product. So because of one breakdown:

  • You had to shutdown service as the food was not staying to temperature (thousands of lost $$)
  • You had to throw away a ton of product due to waste (thousands of lost $$)
  • You still have to repair the issue, which means you must pay for the service providers fees, time, parts, and travel (thousands of lost $$)

Clearly, it’s a no-brainer that food waste is a horrible problem that can occur. Not only from a cost perspective, but even from a humanity level, where many people are unable to access food each day & food waste is seen as a massive issue. If a restaurant throws away a ton of food, especially constantly, it will be bad PR & could result in a loss of customers.

Using technology to avoid food cost will be a huge help to your business. ResQ have helped restaurants maintain & understand larger equipment pieces (such a fridges), that haven’t been top of mind for all operators or leaders. By ensuring that expensive kitchen equipment is running optimally, you will never have to worry about throwing away a ton of food products or beverages. Not only does this impact repair costs, but also your kitchen & ordering costs!

Stop wasting time trying to manage difficult & annoying repairs, and focus on cutting costs where you can. ResQ will allow you to save dollars that you didn’t know were possible.

Get in touch with our team now to learn more about how our product will streamline your operations, for good.

Running a restaurant is hard work - and most managers, operators, and leaders are constantly worried about the bottom line. There are a ton of costs associated with a restaurant, whether a full-serve steakhouse, or a quick-serve pizza place, and understanding how to save money (and avoid losing it!) can be tricky.

One huge cost area that most restaurateurs overlook is repair & maintenance. Kitchen equipment and the physical restaurant space are the backbones of the entire restaurant, and upkeep is necessary to keep customer experience at an all time high. Thankfully, there is smart technology that will take this off your plate.

Enter, ResQ. THE repair & maintenance management platform that was designed just for restaurants. We’re unlike anything else on the market, because we aren’t a CMMS system. Our platform empowers restaurant leaders & their teams to offload the repair and maintenance headaches, and focus on what matters most: growing their businesses, and wow’ing their customers.

By saving employees’ time, and offering clearer visualization into how repairs & preventive maintenance is handled, restaurants using ResQ have seen up to a 30% decrease in annual operation costs.

While there are a ton of features that are built to transform a restaurant operators’ life and business, a key benefit is the cost savings that occur (majorly lowering your opportunity costs!).

Keep reading to learn about 3 ways ResQ has been lowering restaurants’ operating costs for years:

How Restaurants Can Cut Costs & Save Money By Using ResQ

1) Setting up preventive maintenance for restaurants results in avoiding unexpected breakdowns.

Preventive maintenance is the process of setting up ongoing & consistent upkeep on your kitchen equipment and facility. Reactive repairs can never be 100% avoided, but you can do your best to avoid untimely and expensive breakdowns that result in a ton of lost revenue.

For example, if you’re a fast food joint that relies on deliciously golden-brown french fries to keep your customers happy, then a fryer malfunction on a busy afternoon is your worst nightmare. This could cost you up to $5,000 in lost sales (depending on the size of your establishment) and also create a horrible experience for those who stopped by.

Never let this issue happen - use ResQ to set up ongoing preventive maintenance for your equipment, and never have to think about it again. Our dedicated success team works with national service providers to ensure we get you the best rates on the market, so you’ll also see huge savings annually (as well as saving money on reactive repairs!).

Examples of preventive maintenance services that top growing restaurants brands are using ResQ for are:

  • Grease trap cleaning
  • Patio & landscaping upkeep
  • Sanitization
  • Filter replacement
  • Roofing needs
  • HVAC cleaning
  • Ice Machine

2) Save time & money on training restaurant employees, and make it easier

Hiring issues are at an all time high right now across North America. Not only is it hard to find and retain talented people, but it’s also very time consuming & expensive. And worse, if your repair & maintenance management processes are ‘messy’ or ‘complicated’, it will make training much more difficult for both parties.

In order to ease the onboarding process for new employees who are responsible for maintenance tasks (of any size or cost), restaurant operators have chosen ResQ to make things as simple as possible for all employees, both new and tenured.

With ResQ, you’re able to set certain ‘permissions’ for your team members who use the app, so you can monitor & control who is able to make certain decisions or approvals. Submitting work orders takes less than 45 seconds, and all your employees have to do is scan a barcode. All data, analytics, and payment information is tracked through the app, so you still get full visibility across all locations or teams.

On average, it costs about $900 to train and onboard a new employee. This number could shrink if you’re able to make the training easier and more efficient. Cut training time in half, and avoid errors long term, by implementing smart technology that everyone can use (ResQ!).

3) Avoid food waste & ensure food quality

Refrigeration issues are one of the most common problems that restaurant operators face monthly. Whether your walk-in fridge is not cooling properly, or unexpectedly shuts off, that will result in hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars in lost product. So because of one breakdown:

  • You had to shutdown service as the food was not staying to temperature (thousands of lost $$)
  • You had to throw away a ton of product due to waste (thousands of lost $$)
  • You still have to repair the issue, which means you must pay for the service providers fees, time, parts, and travel (thousands of lost $$)

Clearly, it’s a no-brainer that food waste is a horrible problem that can occur. Not only from a cost perspective, but even from a humanity level, where many people are unable to access food each day & food waste is seen as a massive issue. If a restaurant throws away a ton of food, especially constantly, it will be bad PR & could result in a loss of customers.

Using technology to avoid food cost will be a huge help to your business. ResQ have helped restaurants maintain & understand larger equipment pieces (such a fridges), that haven’t been top of mind for all operators or leaders. By ensuring that expensive kitchen equipment is running optimally, you will never have to worry about throwing away a ton of food products or beverages. Not only does this impact repair costs, but also your kitchen & ordering costs!

Stop wasting time trying to manage difficult & annoying repairs, and focus on cutting costs where you can. ResQ will allow you to save dollars that you didn’t know were possible.

Get in touch with our team now to learn more about how our product will streamline your operations, for good.