Increase Productivity

Supercharge your facility team’s capacity

Better communication, streamlined workflows, and smarter prioritization helps your team do more in less time.

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Is your team stuck juggling R&M in text messages, spreadsheets, and bad systems?

Before ResQ
Need to hire more staff
Time-consuming admin and follow ups
Low team productivity
Poor workflow
Lack of prioritization
After ResQ

“ResQ’s put me back in control of my schedule. ResQ streamlined things for me in a way that I can follow work orders in the past and future and it helps me set a timeline for my week. It helps me plan my week, my month, and plan my maintenance schedules so I know each week what stores we need to focus on."

Justin Jones
Facilities Manager

The fastest way to create and complete a work order

Create a work order from a QR code in 30 seconds, with all the history, photos, warranty and serial info, and everything else your tech needs to complete the job.

Personalized task management and alerts

Every team members gets a personalized dashboard of the tasks that require their attention every day.

Assign work orders to any internal staff member

Whether it's a handyman, custodian, or on-staff technician, empower your internal workforce to tackle work orders, just like an external vendor would.

Reduce expensive mistakes

Set custom spend controls and workflows for work orders, quotes, and invoices, so that the right people are looped in for approval and oversight.

Hear what customers say

“We’ve reduced R&M spend substantially, from both greater transparency into how much we’re spending as well as better decision making around things like equipment replacement.”

Jeff Shoemaker
CFO, Magnolia Bakery
cost reduction in first 6 months

“With ResQ, I had a clear line of sight into our back of house operations across all locations without needing to be on-premise anymore. If you want to take back your life and save time, use ResQ.”

Arthur Bekerman
Owner and Chief Operating Officer, IQ Food Co.
Increase in productivity

“ResQ has made possible for me to scale my facilities team capacity during a period of high growth. I’ve implemented ResQ twice at two different companies and they deliver results every time.”

Greg Dubois
Head of Facilities, Joey (45+ FSR locations)
increase in staff productivity

Hear what customers say

"We didn't want to be a small fish in a big pond. We wanted to be as big as some of these other restaurant groups. ResQ made it like we were one of those big fishes."
Terry Ubl
Vice President of Facilities
“Before, my philosophy was really hands-on. Multiple calls, follow-ups, etc. Right now? Nothing. I can check ResQ in a minute on my Daily Menu to see all updates and approve invoices.”
Filippo Fiori
“For us, the ability to track the entire lifecycle of an order, make sure we know if it's been approved quickly or if it's still needing approval, that we've engaged the right person... It allows the entire team to be able to view what is happening.”
Tinku Saini
Co-Founder & CEO
"I'm a vendor for ResQ. I'm a customer for ResQ. We're very glad that we decided to use the program. It's an excellent team experience."
Dan Melville and John Foberg
Owner - Brooklyn Ave Plumbing & Infrastructure Director - Emblem Health

Never lose another dollar to inefficient R&M operations

Connect today to see how ResQ's platform can help you.

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