Spend Controls

Avoid unnecessary expenses with custom spend
approvals and workflows

Take control of spending across your organization

Empower your team with just the right amount of spending power for their needs, so that they can get stuff done without friction or delay, while you maintain oversight to ensure they’re not overspending.

Custom spend thresholds

Custom Spend Thresholds

Implement custom spend thresholds by role for quotes and work orders, ensuring that expenses are approved by the right people

Invoice error prevention

Invoice Approval Workflow

Choose auto-approval or multi-stage approval for invoices, streamlining the process to match the specific needs of your organization

Set limits & exceptions

Set Limits & Exceptions

Give vendors a “not to exceed” limit for jobs and get immediately notified if they request an exception, so that you have oversight without needing to be on-site

Ready to implement spend controls?

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